How to Negotiate Agency Fees and Good Contract Terms with Clients

Dr. Puente

Pricing is a controversial topic in the agency world. Owners and freelancers often spend hours fretting about how much they should charge and regularly find themselves waiting with bated breath to hear back from a potential client.

Did I quote too much? Have I completely undersold myself?

The self-doubt is real.

This is because there are no set rules for agency fees, so it becomes a free-for-all and, let's face it, a bit of a guessing game.

While throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks seems like the only way to go, it can lead to negative outcomes. Getting low-balled by clients can cause resentment, and constantly hearing “no” because your prices are too high can make you wonder if you're really cut out for the job.

So what's the solution? How do you set your agency fees so you get paid fairly for your work?

Negotiation is key. It can be scary if you don't know how to do it right, so here's our guide to getting it spot on.


Psiquiatria Integral



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