Designing More Convertible Social Media Posts in 2021

Dr. Puente

You want your brand's social media posts to convert.

But there's a problem:

All of your competitors want that too. With over a billion users on Instagram, almost three billion – on Facebook, and TikTok developing a cult following, no one wants to miss out on such a vast audience. And that's where a huge challenge for social media marketers comes into play.

It's the need for creating engaging yet relevant social media content that attracts the right audience and converts them into loyal followers and potential customers in the long run.

In 2021, when authenticity, diversification, and social consciousness are among the top social media trends, content subject and visual representation matter more than ever.

In this guide, you'll find out how to design social media posts to skyrocket engagement and conversion in the coming year.


Psiquiatria Integral



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